Session 11


Genesis 41:14-21,33-37

Memory Verse: Genesis 41:16


God reveals His plans when we trust Him.


name games or activities that include looking for something or a player being blindfolded.
(Examples: Hide and Seek, Pin the Tail on the Donkey, and so forth)
If it’s not mentioned, suggest Marco Polo.


read the opening paragraph on page 100 of the PSG

Marco Polo is a popular game kids play in swimming pools.
The player who is “it,” either blindfolded or with closed eyes, must try to tag someone else in the pool.
When the person who is “it” shouts “Marco,” everyone else shouts “Polo” so that the person who is “it” gets a sense of direction to tag someone.
But everyone in the pool is trying to keep that person from knowing which direction they should go.

When we are trying to discern God’s will, we may feel like that person who is “it” in Marco Polo.
Yet God wants us to know His plans, and He reveals His plans to those who trust Him.

Talk about how the person chosen to be “it” must feel as they try to figure out where everyone is.
Compare this to understanding God’s will.



Use Understand the Context
to provide background for the session.
Review the false charges made by Potiphar’s wife and the cupbearer’s forgetfulness.

After serving faithfully in Potiphar’s household, Joseph was unfairly cast in prison for rejecting the sexual advances of Potiphar’s wife.
Nevertheless, the Lord was with Joseph, and he found favor with the prison warden.

the chief cupbearer and the chief baker.
Both men had offended Pharaoh and ended up with Joseph in prison.
Each man had a dream, and each recounted his dream to Joseph.
Giving credit to God, Joseph interpreted the cupbearer’s dream to mean that in three days Pharaoh would restore him to his former position.
The baker’s dream signified that in three days he would hang from a tree.

Events occurred according to Joseph’s interpretation.
Unfortunately for Joseph, the cupbearer failed to honor his promise to mention Joseph to Pharaoh.

After two more years, Pharaoh had two dreams that no one could interpret.

After being presented to Pharaoh, Joseph quickly declared that God would provide an interpretation.

Through these dreams God revealed His plans for the future.


Sometimes, seeking God’s will can feel like playing a game of spiritual Marco Polo.
We call out, hoping to zero in on God’s voice, but He seems out of reach.
Joseph likely wondered what God was doing.
But God was still at work, getting ready for something Joseph never could have imagined.


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