Session 10


Genesis 39:7-21

Memory Verse: Genesis 39:21


Prior to the session:

Draw a two-column chart with a line across the top.
Judah and Joseph.
complete the Judah column by recording information from Understand the Context (PSG, p. 92).

Judah had three sons: Er, Onan, and Shelah.
Judah arranged a marriage for his son Er, with Tamar.
Er was wicked and the Lord “put him to death” (Gen. 38:7).
A legal provision required a dead man’s brother to marry the deceased man’s childless widow and father a son.

Judah’s second son, Onan, refused to fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law, so he also died for his evil deeds (Gen. 38:9-10).
Judah instructed Tamar to remain a widow until his third son Shelah grew up.
However, when Shelah reached adulthood, Judah reneged on his promise.

disguised as a prostitute, Tamar insisted that Judah leave his signet ring, cord, and staff with her until she received the goat.

About three months later, Judah received word that Tamar was pregnant, so he decreed that she be put to death.
Tamar made clear that she had become pregnant by the man who owned the signet ring, cord, and staff.
When Judah recognized these items as his own, he relented (38:26).
Tamar gave birth to twins named Perez and Zerah.

The Joseph column will be completed throughout the session.

Pure living brings honor from God.


Point out eating or overspending, along with speaking unkindly or untruthfully, all represent common temptations.
Encourage adults to suggest other areas where people commonly face temptation.



Temptation surrounds us; but, as believers, we are called to honor God with pure living.
In today’s session we’ll see how Joseph determined to reject temptation, despite the cost.


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