Session 7

New Walk (Genesis 32:30-32)

how Jacob was changed by his encounter with God.

30 Jacob then named the place Peniel,
“For I have seen God face to face,” he said,
“yet my life has been spared.”
31 The sun shone on him as he passed by Penuel -
limping because of his hip.
32 That is why, still today,
the Israelites don’t eat the thigh muscle that is at the hip socket:
because he struck Jacob’s hip socket at the thigh muscle.

Application Point:

Believers can celebrate God’s working in their lives.


Jacob also changed the name of the place where he encountered God to Peniel.

Pack Item 12 (Handout: At Peniel) and encourage adults to scan the information on the handout.

share some significant ideas from the article.


New walk and New limp

Jacob’s limp was actually a blessing, as it reminded him of God’s covenant and his own ongoing reliance on God.



Direct adults to this statement on page 71 of the PSG:

“Praise God for His grace
just out of line-not only in allowing us to wrestle with Him during times of uncertainty
but for the ways He reveals Himself to us in those times

(v. 30).”

spend a few minutes meditating on verse 30
and using it as a prayer back to God.
Share that they can pray the words directly from the verse or use the verse as theme for their prayer.



Review these points from Apply the Text on page 72 of the Personal Study Guide:


Invite the group to share how they can apply one of these statements to their personal lives this week.



Remember the before and after pictures we considered at the beginning of the session. Whether weight loss, hair growth, or makeup, the change was visible in a positive way.



Close in prayer,
praising God for His faithfulness and kindness.
Thank Him for lives that are changed to a new identity in Christ.


Reinforce the session by following up with anyone who expressed doubts about how Christ has changed their life. Pray with that person encouraging them to trust in Jesus for the first time or find peace in trusting Christ in their times of need. Send a text or email to the group, reminding them that changes on the inside should be seen in our actions, attitudes, and words.

Challenge adults to allow God’s transforming power to work in and through their lives this week.


Secure a copy of
“Let Go, Let God” by Jack Cassidy.
Enlist a volunteer to read aloud the chorus.
Invite the group to consider areas in their lives where they need to let go and trust God more.
Remind them that, through Christ, we have a new identity-which is something Jacob learned in today’s session.


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