Present (Genesis 30:31-34)

Jacob’s response to Laban’s question about wages.

31 Laban asked,
“What should I give you?”
And Jacob said,
“You don’t need to give me anything.
If you do this one thing for me,
I will continue to shepherd and keep your flock.
32 Let me go through all your sheep today
and remove every sheep that is speckled or spotted,
every dark-colored sheep among the lambs,
and the spotted and speckled among the female goats.
Such will be my wages.
33 In the future when you come to check on my wages,
my honesty will testify for me.
If I have any female goats that are not speckled or spotted,
or any lambs that are not black, they will be considered stolen.”
34 “Good,” said Laban. “Let it be as you have said.”

Application Point:

Believers should demonstrate honesty in every area,
including their business dealings.

Note again that Laban had recognized God’s hand on Jacob’s life
and was trying to convince him to stay.


Laban asked about Jacob's payment.
Jacob asked for the spotted, striped and black animals.
all the white lambs would be Laban's.


consider if Jacob’s request is unusual.
Affirm that Jacob had the leverage because Laban really wanted him to stay.
Yet, on the surface, his request seemed to favor Laban.



Point out that Jacob was starting to shift toward a deeper trust in God
and away from his own sneakiness.


Key Word


The Hebrew word translated honesty can also be rendered
“righteousness” or “justice.”
It basically means conformity to a moral or ethical standard.
In the Old Testament that standard is the Lord’s nature and will
(Psalm 145:17).
Honesty involves more than just relating correctly to God.
It also encompasses right relationships with other people.
Jacob agreed to continue shepherding Laban’s flock if he could own every speckled, spotted, and dark-colored sheep.
Since speckled animals typically produce speckled animals, Laban could check Jacob’s honesty.


After Laban agreed to Jacob’s proposal.
The lambs and goats were separated, and Jacob continued as the shepherd.
And God continued to bless Jacob-even at Laban’s expense.


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