Session 4

A Stairway

Genesis 28:10-22

Memory Verse: Genesis 28:14

God is actively involved in the lives of His people.

Prior to the session:

Display Pack Item 3 (Poster: The Patriarchs),
Pack Item 5 (Poster: Key Moments in Jacob’s Life) and
Pack Item 1 (Map: The Travels of Jacob).



name a famous structure, and respond with the location.
(Possible examples:
Eiffel Tower/Paris; Pyramids/ Egypt; Statue of Liberty/New York; Alamo/San Antonio; Mt. Rushmore/South Dakota, and so forth)
include a place that you know is significant for the group.



Point out that many places are important to us because of an experience we had there.
Point out that in today’s session Jacob found a significant place in his life
because that’s where he experienced God’s presence.


read the introduction on page 37 of the PSG.

In her book The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom wrote of a strange vision she experienced
as the Germans invaded her homeland.
She saw a farm wagon pulled by horses lumbering across the city square of her hometown.
Corrie recognized her whole family sitting in that wagon, along with some strangers,
moving toward a place they didn’t want to go.
As she and her sister, Betsie, discussed the dream, Betsie reminded Corrie that God sometimes gives His people a glimpse of the future to reassure them that He is in control.

Lead a brief discussion on
things we enjoy because it lets us be involved in the life of someone we care about.



In today’s verses, Jacob discovered God’s involvement in his life.
Challenge adults to consider how God is at work in their lives
as they study today’s verses.


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