Session 3

Blessing Granted (Genesis 27:28-30)

the elements of Isaac’s blessing.

28 May God give to you - from the dew of the sky and from the richness of the land -
an abundance of grain and new wine.
29 May peoples serve you and nations bow in worship to you.
Be master over your relatives;
may your mother’s sons bow in worship to you.
Those who curse you will be cursed, and those who bless you will be blessed.
30 As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob
and Jacob had left the presence of his father Isaac,
his brother Esau arrived from his hunting.

Application Point:

Believers can trust God to bring His purpose to pass in every situation.


verses 28-30
underline the various elements of Isaac’s blessing.
Briefly discuss the impact each of those elements would have on Jacob’s future.

Note that despite Jacob’s dishonesty, God still had a plan and that plan would be fulfilled.


Briefly summarize Esau’s response in Genesis 27:31-46.

Note the consequences of the deceit on the family.
Affirm that even as God’s purposes are fulfilled, individuals will still experience the negative consequences of negative decisions.


Jacob’s future as the leader of the family was now assured
through the blessing of Isaac.
He would carry out the promises provided through God’s covenant with Abraham,
even though his actions and character were flawed.
That should comfort us,
knowing that God can and will use us despite our brokenness and imperfections.



Review these points from Apply the Text on page 36 of the Personal Study Guide:


Call for volunteers to share content from Genesis 27 that supports these statements. Encourage adults to consider ways they can live out these statements each day.


Encourage adults to suggest reasons people are so quick to justify their wrong actions.



Direct the group to read Luke 21:8 aloud together, encouraging them to memorize the verse to remind themselves to avoid being deceived in challenging situations.


Close in prayer, guiding the group to pray silently for God to provide discernment through the Holy Spirit when they face questionable truth claims.


Reinforce the session by reminding the group to be alert for any deception that would detract them from God’s plan. Encourage them to support each other in prayer. Point them to Luke 21:8 as a verse they can memorize and meditate on as they seek spiritual discernment. During the week, send each adult a text or email with Luke 21:8. Remind them of the power of God’s Word when they need wisdom and discernment.


Secure several copies of the Baptist Hymnal (2008). Encourage the group to turn to Hymn No. 105, “Grace Greater Than Our Sin.” Enlist three volunteers to read one verse of the hymn when directed. After each volunteer reads, lead the group in singing or reading the chorus together. Briefly discuss why it’s important to remember that God’s grace is greater than anything we might do.


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