Session 2

Guidance Needed

Genesis 24:12-20,24-27

Memory Verse: Genesis 24:26

God directs the steps of those who seek Him.



read the opening paragraph on page 19 of the PSG.

Following wise guidance is essential to a full and meaningful life.
We need advice from knowledgeable people in practical matters like buying a car or choosing health insurance.
We need the warnings that stoplights provide to avoid accidents on city streets.
We often need directions from navigational devices to arrive at our intended destination.

Above all, we need spiritual guidance to make decisions that honor the Lord and help us avoid disaster on the road of life.
God has made that guidance available through His Word and prayer.
Abraham’s servant recognized his critical need for divine guidance as he obeyed Abraham’s directive to find a wife for Isaac.
As you prepare for this Bible study, reflect on how you might be struggling with significant choices.
Pray that God will provide His wisdom and guidance in those areas.


Proverbs 16:9
9 The mind of man plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.

highlight God’s role in our plans.


Relate that today we often use apps on our phones or tablets to remind us about appointments.
We access a map app or GPS
to get the best route and to keep us updated on traffic conditions or alternate routes.
We recognize that plans don’t just happen, so we want to be prepared.



During this session,
we’ll see that both Abraham and Isaac were getting older,
so Abraham developed a plan to find a wife for his son.

Aware of God’s covenant promise that all nations would be blessed by his offspring,
Abraham wanted Isaac to marry someone from his own family rather than a woman from the surrounding area.


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