Session 2

Place Offered (Genesis 24:24-27)

Rebekah’s response to the servant’s request and the immediate response of the servant.

24 She answered him,
“I am the daughter of Bethuel son of Milcah, whom she bore to Nahor.”
25 She also said to him,
“We have plenty of straw and feed and a place to spend the night.”
26 Then the man knelt low, worshiped the Lord,
27 and said,
“Blessed be the Lord, the God of my master Abraham,
who has not withheld his kindness and faithfulness from my master.
As for me, the Lord has led me on the journey to the house of my master’s relatives.”

Application Point:

Believers can praise God for His faithful provision and direction.


the remainder of the story emphasizes
how Rebekah's family responded.
how Isaac loved Rebekah and
how she was able to comfort him in the wake of his mother, Sarah’s, death (Gen. 24:67).



finding a wife was imperative for God to continue the succession of covenant promises to Abraham’s line.


Abraham’s servant prayed immediately, asking for signs that his mission would be successful.
Through God’s help, his prayer was quickly answered
and, once again, the servant responded with prayer.
This time, it was a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
As God’s people, we should be quick to worship God
and to show Him gratitude when we sense His answers to prayer
and His work in our lives.



Review these points from Apply the Text on page 27 of the Personal Study Guide:


Lead adults to substitute “I” for “believers” as they reflect on these statements. Challenge them to consider what a life characterized by worship communicates to God and others. (PSG. p. 27)



Reread Genesis 24:26 together as a group, sharing that the servant’s response should be our response to God’s faithfulness.
Note that memorizing this verse and reviewing it daily in prayer time will help the group develop the habit of seeking God and praising Him daily.


Close with prayer,
praising God for His guidance and
asking Him to lead the group to be more sensitive to His work in their lives.


Reinforce the session by following up with anyone who shared a specific prayer need during prayer time. Reach out to those individuals with a visit or a phone call. Pray with them and encourage them to place their trust in Jesus for guidance and direction.


As adults arrive, play the song
“Praise the Father, Praise the Son” by Chris Tomlin in the background.
Encourage the group to share some of the words or phrases that resonate with them from the song.
At the conclusion of the group time, return to the song and read aloud the lyrics. (
NOTE: If you’re group prefers hymns, use
“Sweet Hour of Prayer,” No. 429, Baptist Hymnal 2008).


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