Session 2

controlled have

The Answer (Genesis 24:15-20)

the description of Rebekah and her family.

15 Before he had finished speaking,
there was Rebekah - daughter of Bethuel
son of Milcah,
the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor -
coming with a jug on her shoulder.
16 Now the girl was very beautiful,
a virgin - no man had been intimate with her.
She went down to the spring, filled her jug, and came up.

Application Point:

Believers can see God’s answers to prayer when sensitive to His work.


God was quick to respond to the servant’s prayer.
Highlight the first words in verse 15:
“Before he had finished speaking.”


discuss how Rebekah and her family are described in Genesis 24:15-20.

Key Person


The meaning of this name is uncertain.
While some suggest it means “cow,”
others interpret it as “ensnarer.”
Her lineage as described in Genesis 24:15 identifies Rebekah as the great niece of Abraham.
After marrying Isaac, she became the mother of twins, Jacob and Esau.
The portrayal of Rebekah in the Scriptures reveals her complex personality.
The text of Genesis 24 presents her positively as a beautiful virgin, a generous servant, and a woman who showed hospitality.
She voluntarily chose to leave her home to become Isaac’s wife.
Genesis 25-27 shows her in a less favorable light
as she demonstrated favoritism toward Jacob, even to the point of deceiving Isaac to help steal the blessing set aside for Esau.


Without a doubt, the servant found greater success than he probably could have imagined.
Rebekah was everything Abraham had described as a wife for Isaac.
But now he had to clear one final hurdle: Rebekah’s family.


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