Session 1

The Substitute (Genesis 22:13-14)

God’s provision and Abraham’s response to the provision.

13 Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in the thicket by its horns.
So Abraham went and took the ram
and offered it as a burnt offering in place of his son.
14 And Abraham named that place The Lord Will Provide,
so today it is said, “It will be provided on the Lord’s mountain.”

Application Point:

Believers can trust Jesus as their substitute.



obedience, faith, and worship

Point out that Abraham’s faith had a direct impact on the lives of his descendants.

Distribute copies of Pack Item 9 (Handout: Background of the Patriarchs).
Highlight the information about Abraham and Isaac on the list.
Point out that future sessions will highlight other patriarchs, but all of them were affected by what happened on Mount Moriah.


Just as Abraham’s faith was tested, so the faith of believers is tested today.
God’s provision of Jesus as our substitute and the Holy Spirit as our advocate
leads to confidence that God has a plan for us.



Review these points from Apply the Text on page 18 of the Personal Study Guide:


Call for volunteers to pick one of the above statements
and share how they could put that principle into practice this week.



Direct attention to Abraham’s words:
“Here I am.”
Challenge adults to use “Here I am” as a prayer prompt this week.
Encourage them to use it as a way to pray Scripture back to God and as a reminder to listen for His voice.


Lead in prayer,
thanking God for the provision of His Son
and for His guidance and direction in our daily lives.


Reinforce the session by contacting the group to let them know that the studies in Genesis will continue for the next several weeks. Be sure to let each person know that you are praying for them and encourage them to share requests they have so your prayers can be more specific to them.


Read aloud the lyrics of the song
“Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells
or lead the group to listen to the lyrics as you play a recording of the song.
Lead the group to reflect on the hills and valleys in their lives and how they are not alone.
Share that Abraham dealt with plenty of hills and valleys in his life.
Challenge adults to look for how Abraham responded to the challenges of his life as they study Genesis 22.


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