Session 13

Judgment (Genesis 19:23-26)

God’s judgment upon the cities.

23 The sun had risen over the land when Lot reached Zoar.
24 Then out of the sky the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah burning sulfur from the Lord.
25 He demolished these cities, the entire plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and whatever grew on the ground.
26 But Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.

Key Truth

Complete judgment

Verse 25 highlights the total destruction brought about by this judgment of God.
He “demolished” the cities, along with the landscape around them.
All the people who lived there perished, and all the vegetation in the area was destroyed.
The stark description reminds us that God takes sin seriously, and He never lets sin go unpunished.


men of Sodom had committed their sin under the cover of the darkness of night,
but God’s judgment would be executed during the brightest part of the day for all to see (v. 23).


God’s judgment of Lot’s wife.

26) The angel had told Lot and his family not to look back (v. 17).
Lot’s wife apparently could not separate herself from her life in Sodom.
Some speculate that perhaps she was a native of Sodom that Lot had married.
The wording could indicate that she was coated with a crust of salt, as the fire and brimstone rapidly evaporated everything in the Dead Sea area.
The reality of this tragic outcome is attested in the teachings of Jesus (Luke 17:28-32).



God brings destruction to those who dishonor Him.
Lot’s wife dishonored God by not obeying His direct command through the angels.



Review these points from this week’s Bible passage:


Encourage adults to share why it’s important for believers to obey God in all things.


Guide the group to respond to the Apply the Text questions on page 111:
What is your group’s role in communicating God’s warnings?
How can you do so with both urgency and compassion?


Close in prayer,
asking God to help believers to trust Him and obey Him in all things.
Allow time for the group to pray the same thing silently for themselves, as well as for one another.


Reinforce the session by examining your own life for any activities that could be dishonoring to God. Commit to obedience before God in all areas of your life. Email or text the group and remind them that destruction comes to those who dishonor God. Encourage them to pray for one another so that each adult in the group will live in a way that pleases God and is marked by obedience to Him.


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