Session 13


Genesis 19:12-26



think of times where
the consequences of a poor decision were experienced.



the opening paragraph on page 109

Life is the sum of choices made.
Those choices often have consequences.
History is replete with people who chose poorly and suffered terrible consequences.
The story of Lot and the destruction of Sodom profoundly illustrates this truth.
Because the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah chose wickedness, they were destroyed.
But Lot also made some bad choices that had devastating consequences. Through those choices, he lost his ability to influence anyone for righteousness. He also lost his wife and any moral influence he may have had on his daughters.

summary statement:

Destruction comes to those who dishonor God. (p. 108)



this session is the last session in this quarter.
Point out the flow of the 13 sessions.

explain where this session fits with the other sessions focused on the life of Abraham.
Use Pack Item 7 (Handout: Genesis Time Line)
and (Handout: Background of Genesis)
to review the events that led up to today’s key passages.


In this session,
we will examine the consequences that came to Sodom and Gomorrah
as a result of the sinful choices the residents of those cities made.

Those consequences also had an impact on Lot and his family.
While the story contains judgment, it also highlights God’s mercy and grace.



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