Session 12

Sign (Genesis 17:9-10)

the sign of this covenant relationship.

9 God also said to Abraham,
“As for you, you and your offspring after you throughout their generations are to keep my covenant.
10 This is my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you,
which you are to keep:
Every one of your males must be circumcised.”


God’s covenants often came with a sign.

remind the group that the sign God attached to His covenant with Noah was a rainbow.


Highlight that the act of circumcision here appears centuries before the law of Moses,
indicating that faith demonstrated through obedience is what God honors.
The act of circumcision was an act of obedience and faith in God.



In addition to Abram’s name change,
God was going to change his wife’s name too.
All of this was preparation for God’s ultimate act of faithfulness,
providing the promised heir.


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