Session 12

Covenant (Genesis 17:1-8)

all that God said to Abram.

1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him, saying,
“I am God Almighty. Live in my presence and be blameless.
2 I will set up my covenant between me and you,
and I will multiply you greatly.”

3 Then Abram fell facedown and God spoke with him:
4 “As for me, here is my covenant with you:
You will become the father of many nations.
5 Your name will no longer be Abram;
your name will be Abraham,
for I will make you the father of many nations.

6 I will make you extremely fruitful
and will make nations and kings come from you.
7 I will confirm my covenant that is between me and you
and your future offspring throughout their generations.
It is a permanent covenant to be your God
and the God of your offspring after you.
8 And to you and your future offspring I will give the land where you are residing -
all the land of Canaan - as a permanent possession,
and I will be their God.”



review Genesis 17:1-3
Identify significant statements that stand out to them.
Highlight Abram’s response to God in verse 3.

propose how this fits with what we already know about Abram.


Create a “Promise” list on the board.

read Genesis 17:4-8
identify the different things God promised Abram.
Write their responses on the board.



When God reaffirmed His covenant with Abram, He also changed his name to Abraham.
In addition, God established a sign that would set His people apart from other nations.


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