Session 10


Genesis 12:1-5a; 13:11-18


If I had known then what I know now . . . .

What is something you did that, in hindsight, you would have done differently now that you have more life experience?


Point out that we all wish we had some “do-overs” in life.
this session explores choices made by both Abram and Lot,
as well as the huge impact of those choices.


read the opening paragraph on page 85.

Every journey begins with a first step.
Whether it is a vacation trip, starting a new job or marriage, schooling, or a hobby project, there is an initial move to begin the journey.
Today’s session chronicles the opening of Abram’s (Abraham’s) journey that set in motion God’s redemptive plan and culminated in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Without Abram’s first step of faith, this world would probably be a much different place.
As with any journey, his pilgrimage of faith took many twists and turns.
There were sad detours of disobedience and great acts of trust.
Nonetheless, Abram’s example has stood the test of time-not just in Scripture, but also across Christian history.

Share that the passage is also grounded in some promises God made to Abram.



This session represents a transition in the Genesis narrative.
It moves us from the history of the world in general to the history of one particular family.
God placed His call on Abram, and Abram obeyed even when it didn’t make sense.

That kind of obedience is our challenge as children of God, as well.



Explain that the final four sessions in this quarter focus on the life of Abram/Abraham.
Use Understand the Context (p. 85)
to provide the background for this session.

Draw attention to Pack Item 1 (Map: The Migration of Abraham) to set the geographical context
and to point out where Abram’s narrative starts.


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