Session 9

Reviewed (Genesis 11:5-7)

how God responded to the people.

5 Then the Lord came down to look over the city
and the tower that the humans were building.
6 The Lord said,
“If they have begun to do this as one people all having the same language,
then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
7 Come, let’s go down there and confuse their language
so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”




share how each term is revealed through today’s Bible passage.
Discuss what each term has to do with the narrative in Genesis 11.


God was not worried about
humanity’s innovation or potential.

God was concerned about the trouble and suffering that disobedience could cause.
Confusing their language was an act of grace-though it didn’t seem like it at the time.

the unity of believers should be rooted in their obedience to God’s plans.



After God confused the people’s languages,
He dispersed them-which is what was supposed to happen in the first place.


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