Session 8

The Covenant (Genesis 9:8-15)

the promise God made to Noah and all humanity.

8 Then God said to Noah and his sons with him,
9 “Understand that I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you,
10 and with every living creature that is with you ?- ?
birds, livestock, and all wildlife of the earth that are with you ?-
all the animals of the earth that came out of the ark.
11 I establish my covenant with you that never again will every creature be wiped out
by floodwaters;
there will never again be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12 And God said,
“This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you,
a covenant for all future generations:
13 I have placed my bow in the clouds,
and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
14 Whenever I form clouds over the earth and the bow appears in the clouds,
15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all the living creatures:
water will never again become a flood to destroy every creature.”



A covenant is basically a contract or agreement between two parties.
Ancient covenants usually set down the rules
for how a stronger person or group would treat a lesser person or group.
In the Bible, God makes covenants with His people as a promise of His blessings and protection.


review verses 8-10 and determine with whom God was making a covenant.
review verses 11-15 and determine the sign of the covenant.


God made His covenant with Noah, but it also applies to us.
Highlight the covenant that God made and how He sealed it with the rainbow.




Review these points from this week’s Bible passage:


Invite the group to share how these statements are supported by the Scripture verses read in this session.


Identify people who are devalued in our community.


Close in prayer,
asking God to remind each individual
that every person is made in the image of God
and to give the group an appreciation for all human life
as valuable in God’s eyes.
Encourage adults to represent the character and nature of God
by reflecting the value He places on all human life.


Reinforce the session by texting the group and encouraging them to actively look for ways they can reinforce God’s value of all human life. Remind adults that God loves them more than they could imagine and that He wants them to embrace that love and to celebrate their creation in His image.


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