Session 6

Rescue Promised (Genesis 6:18-22)

the order with which God continued to execute His plan.

18 “But I will establish my covenant with you,
and you will enter the ark with your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives.
19 You are also to bring into the ark
two of all the living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.
20 Two of everything ?- ?from the birds according to their kinds,
from the livestock according to their kinds,
and from the animals that crawl on the ground according to their kinds ?-
?will come to you so that you can keep them alive.
21 Take with you every kind of food that is eaten;
gather it as food for you and for them.”
22 And Noah did this. He did everything that God had commanded him.


explain the concept of covenant (v. 18).

A covenant is a binding agreement or an oath-bound promise between two people or groups of people.
Most ancient covenants were between equal parties.
Covenants generally contained both obligations and benefits for each side in the agreement.

Old Testament covenants between God and humans were different in that they were certainly not between equals.
God is always pictured as the One taking the initiative to pursue the covenant relationship with His people.
Another essential element in the majority of the covenants found in the Old Testament was that obedience to God was required.

This covenant with Noah was very one-sided.
God promised to protect and preserve Noah and his family with Noah’s only obligation being faithful obedience.
Noah responded to God’s command/promise by building the ark, gathering the animals, and entering the ark.



how do verses 18-22
demonstrate God’s grace and care for His creation.

even in the midst of rebellion and sin, God always provides security and blessing for those who are faithful to Him.


After Noah’s family and all the animals were on the ark,
the rain began and the flood covered the earth.


establish the context between Genesis 6:22-7:20.


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