Session 4

The First Christmas

Luke 2:1-15

Memory Verse: Luke 1:31-32

God’s authority is seen in His offer of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ.


Not all biblical firsts are found in Genesis. For example, this session focuses on a “first” that serves as the pinnacle event for every other first-an incredibly important date circled on God’s calendar of redemption. The previous session focused on the fall into sin. Today’s study examines the birth of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah and God in flesh and blood. The child born in Bethlehem was the centerpiece in God’s plan to remove the sin barrier that had been erected in the garden of Eden. A key element here is how God took the initiative to restore His relationship with humanity. He came to earth for all of us.

As you prepare to teach this Christmas lesson, help the adults in your group to understand the joy of a relationship with God through faith in Jesus. This is also a Sunday when you may see some new faces, which is great! Pray that God will use your teaching to lead someone separated from God by sin toward a saving relationship with Christ.

We sometimes form opinions based on what we hear about someone or something. Then when we actually experience that something or meet that someone, it’s not what we expected. Ever since the first sin in the garden of Eden and God’s promise of the woman’s offspring who would defeat the serpent, sin, and death, there was great anticipation for the coming of this great Conqueror. However, when Jesus finally came to earth, He came in a very unexpected way. (PSG, p. 37)