Session 3

The First Sin

Genesis 3:1-7,21-24


h3> Prepare:

Identify in five to seven words a recent example you observed of a child doing something wrong that required punishment.



Understand the Context
summarize the main theme of Genesis 3.

If the events recorded in this chapter had never taken place, what need would there be for the Bible?
The rest of Scripture is the story of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s rebellion and God’s gracious pursuit of humanity.

it points to our need for a Savior.
Romans 5:12:
“Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin,
in this way death spread to all people, because all sinned.”

This account is not a myth or legend that can be easily discounted or ignored.
If this were just a made-up story, the Christian faith is based on fiction and not fact,
and the death of Jesus Christ on the cross would certainly not have been necessary.

Genesis 3 serves as a bridge between the creation,
and the situations described in the chapters that follow.

We still suffer from the consequences of sin today.
But while each of these instances point back to humanity’s original sin in the garden,
they also remind us that God made a way for our salvation.


the title and theme of the sessions

The First Sin

God’s creation was marred by humanity’s sin against Him.



As you study the verses in this session,
consider what God reveals about Himself concerning human sin.



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