The Gospel Project® for Adults
(LUKE 4:31-32).
31 Then he went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee,
and was teaching them on the Sabbath.
32 They were astonished at his teaching
because his message had authority.
Verse 31 (the bold words fill in blanks in the DDG):
Jesus’s move to Capernaum was not
to avoid the Nazarenes but primarily
a strategic move to proclaim the gospel
in a more diverse, catalytic space.
Verse 32 (the bold words fill in blanks in the DDG):
Jesus preached from the absolute authority of God the Father,
through the power of the Holy Spirit,
and with perfect knowledge of God’s plan,
such that the people were astonished at His teaching.
Though Luke has already sufficiently demonstrated the authority of Jesus
through His birth story, genealogy,
anointing, teaching, and more,
there is much more to be added to the proof-pile
of Jesus’s authority as Christ, the Son of God.
Being God the Son, Jesus already has divine authority
to do whatever He wills and wishes.
But in the eyes of the people hearing His teachings
and witnessing His miracles, Jesus demonstrates this authority,
and it is recognized by the crowds.
Jesus taught with a greater authority,
with more knowledge and insight, than other priests and teachers before Him,
contemporary with Him, and after Him.