The Gospel Project® for Adults


7 Dear friends, let us love one another,
because love is from God,
and everyone who loves has been born of God
and knows God.
8 The one who does not love does not know God,
because God is love.
9 God’s love was revealed among us
in this way: God sent his one and only Son
into the world so that we might live through him.
10 Love consists in this:
not that we loved God,
but that he loved us and sent his Son
to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.


Verses 7-8 highlight the key doctrine

Key Doctrine #13:

God Is Love:

To say that God is love
is to say that God is the essence of love,
or that perfect love both resides and resonates within God Himself—
one God in three Persons.
The imperfect love that human beings share between one another
is a dim reflection,
a sign that points to the perfect love
that resides within God.
The greatest act of love by God toward humans
isn’t the giving of earthly goods
but the giving of Himself in Christ
so that we might become reconciled to Him.



Verses 9-10 (the bold words fill in blanks

Love is best exemplified by God’s sending His Son
as a sacrifice for us
that we may know God’s love and learn to love others sacrificially.



The nature of God’s love calls us to love one another.
Because God gave of Himself in sending the Son,
Jesus Christ, into the world so that we might have life,
we must love one another in a way
that reflects this greatest gift of God.


The act of averting or appeasing God’s wrath,
specifically through Christ’s death on the cross.
Because God is holy, sin must be dealt with.
Because God is loving, He Himself provided an atoning sacrifice
in His Son, Jesus, to cover sin
and turn away His anger. 1


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