Session 12

Crucified (Mark 15:24-27)

24 Then they crucified him and divided his clothes, casting lots for them to decide what each would get. 25 Now it was nine in the morning when they crucified him. 26 The inscription of the charge written against him was: The King of the Jews. 27 They crucified two criminals with him, one on his right and one on his left.


Direct adults to work in groups of two or three
to identify significant details in verses 24-27.
After a few minutes, allow volunteers to report on their conversations.
Discuss why these details are important.


Point out that many of the things we read about Jesus’s trials and death fulfilled Old Testament prophecies.
Highlight “Lots cast for His clothes” and “Died with criminals” on the pack item.
Remind the group that fulfilled prophecy was another way Mark validated Jesus’s claim to be the Messiah.


Share the purpose of the sign on Jesus’s cross, why the religious leaders didn’t like it, and how it revealed more than Pilate ever imagined.


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