Jealous (Mark 11:18-19)

18 The chief priests and the scribes heard it and started looking for a way to kill him. For they were afraid of him, because the whole crowd was astonished by his teaching. 19 Whenever evening came, they would go out of the city.


Invite a volunteer to read Mark 11:18-19.


On a large sheet of paper, draw two columns: Chief Priests and Scribes and Crowd.
Read Mark 11:18-19 again
and allow volunteers to identify how each of the groups responded to what Jesus did.
Write their answers in the appropriate columns.



The religious leaders were fearful of losing power and influence. They
were also jealous of Jesus. Sometimes o
ur negative emotions can distract us from honest worship and tempt us to focu
s on ourselves more than on God.



While the leaders were anxious, the crowd was amazed. We need to keep our lives open to what Jesus is saying to us

and not let things like jealousy get in the way of our worship.


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