Session 2

Compassionate (Mark 1:40-42)

40 Then a man with leprosy came to him and, on his knees, begged him,
“If you are willing, you can make me clean.”
41 Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched him.
“I am willing,” he told him. “Be made clean.”
42 Immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean.


read through verses 40-42 again.
create a one-sentence summary of these verses.


leprosy made this man unclean according to the law.
he would have been considered an outcast,
both because he had a disease and because many Jews believed that disease was the result of sin in his life.


Clean and Unclean.
outline characteristics of a person who is clean and one who is unclean.
Talk about how prejudice played into the clean/unclean conversation.
Encourage adults to think about people who would probably be considered unclean today.


Jesus didn’t limit His ministry to certain groups.
Note that He entered into people’s needs, refusing to shrink back from helping whoever needed Him.
Remind adults that believers today have the same responsibility.


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