Session 12 | Jeremiah 50:11-20,33-34


God’s amazing promises.

33 This is what the LORD of Armies says:
Israelites and Judeans alike have been oppressed.
All their captors hold them fast;
they refuse to release them.

34 Their Redeemer is strong;
the LORD of Armies is his name.
He will fervently champion their cause
so that he might bring rest to the earth
but turmoil to those who live in Babylon.


Share a time in your life when you’ve questioned God’s help or concern.
Remind learners that God is faithful and always stands by His people.
As believers, we can have confidence that God is able and willing to redeem His people.



Recall the question raised at the beginning of the discussion time:
As you read Jeremiah 50:11-20,33-34,
look for the contrasts between the power of the nations and their rulers and the power of God. (p. 103)
Invite volunteers to share where they saw or heard evidence of the power of the nations and their rulers.
Then call for volunteers to share where they saw evidence of the power of God.
Lead the group to discuss:
What do these verses reveal about God?


Direct attention to the Apply the Text activity on page 103
and lead the group to discuss how they can pray for community and government leaders as directed.


Encourage the group to make time this week to complete the Apply the Text activity on page 107:
Memorize Jeremiah 50:34.
For what person do you need to turn this verse into a prayer? Reach out to that individual this week and share the hope of this verse with him or her.


Close the session in prayer,
thanking God for His discipline and for His faithful forgiveness.


Reinforce the session by prayerfully considering situations or events where you long to see justice applied. Thank God for His justice that is righteous and true.


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