Session 12 | Jeremiah 50:11-20,33-34




Share a time from childhood when they did something wrong,
but “got away with it.”

note that there can be times when we escape the consequences of our actions—
yet no one will be able to escape God’s judgment.


Call for a volunteer to summarize the opening paragraph on page 101.



we are reminded that God brings justice on behalf of His people.
We can also rejoice and be confident,
knowing that He offers forgiveness and redemption.
What God did for His people in the ancient world, He will continue to do for His people today.



chapter 50 is Jeremiah’s prophecy against Babylon.

Note that after Jerusalem’s fall, God turned His judgment toward the nations surrounding His people.
Emphasize that He was not going to let them get away with mistreating His people, including the Babylonians.


While Jeremiah’s oracles against the nations were rhetorically addressed to these nations,
his main audience was Judah.
The people of God needed reminding that He was faithful to His covenant with Abraham.
He would hold every one of these nations accountable
for having mistreated and harmed His covenant people.


As you read Jeremiah 50:11-20,33-34,
look for the contrasts between the power of the nations and their rulers
and the power of God.
What do these verses reveal about God? (p. 103)

as the group reads and discusses the passage today.

  1. look for evidence of the power of the nations
  2. look for evidence of the power of God


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