Session 9 | Jeremiah 35:5-19

COMMENDED (JER. 35:18-19)

the way God commended the Rechabites’ faithfulness.

18 But to the house of the Rechabites Jeremiah said, “This is what the LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Because you have obeyed the command of your ancestor Jonadab and have kept all his commands and have done everything he commanded you,19 This is what the LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, says: Jonadab son of Rechab will never fail to have a man to stand before me always.’”


God noticed the Rechabites’ faithfulness to the instructions of their ancestors and affirmed their choices.
Because of their faithfulness, God promised the Rechabites that their family line would always have a place among God’s people and in God’s service.



Call attention to Jeremiah 33:3,
stressing that God honors those who faithfully seek and serve Him.
Point out that Jeremiah 33:3 is the memory verse for this session.



Guide the group to discuss the Apply the Text question on page 79:
How can your group collectively serve as an example to others in your church and community?
After discussing responses, encourage adults to also spend time this week completing the self-evaluation described in Apply the Text on page 83.


Encourage the group to write a short prayer in the margin of their DDGs,
thanking God for the mentors and positive spiritual examples He has placed in their lives.
Close in prayer, asking God to help each adult be a positive role model for others.


Reinforce the session by evaluating what living out true obedience to God could look like in your home, your work, and with your friends. Share your thoughts with the group and encourage them to evaluate true obedience to God in their own lives.


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