Session 6 | Jeremiah 23:1-12


Jeremiah’s lament over the false prophets who had rejected God and hurt His people.

9 Concerning the prophets: My heart is broken within me, and all my bones tremble.
I have become like a drunkard, like a man overcome by wine,
because of the LORD, because of his holy words.

10 For the land is full of adulterers;
the land mourns because of the curse,
and the grazing lands in the wilderness have dried up.
Their way of life has become evil,
and their power is not rightly used
11 because both prophet and priest are ungodly, even in my house I have found their evil. This is the LORD’s declaration.

12 Therefore, their way will seem like slippery paths in the gloom.
They will be driven away and fall down there,
for I will bring disaster on them, the year of their punishment. This is the LORD’s declaration.

Unfaithful Shepherds and God’s Response.
name the words Jeremiah used to describe the unfaithful prophets and priests in these verses. verse 12
summarize God’s punishment for the unfaithful shepherds. False prophets and heretical teachers are still at work
in the world today. And they will still try to deceive anyone they can,
including believers (Matt. 24:24).
Like the people of Judah long ago, we must be careful about who we allow to influence us.



Ask the group to reflect on the people whom they influence,
and whether their influence is pointing those individuals to Christ or to unfaithfulness.
Remind the group that they are stewards of their influence.
Emphasize that they must also be careful who they allow to influence them.


Guide the group to discuss the Apply the Text question on page 55:
What does this week’s Scripture passage say about leadership and accountability?
Using Jeremiah 23 as a guide, discuss as a group ways you can pray for your community and church leaders.


Lead the group to pray in pairs or threes,
specifically lifting up their community and church leaders.


Reinforce the session by challenging the group to be alert for opportunities to initiate conversations about Jesus, our trusted, righteous King, with people they encounter this week.


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