Session 4 | Jeremiah 12:1-13

JUST? (JER. 12:1-4)

Jeremiah affirmed God’s righteousness,
while also raising questions when he did not understand life’s injustices.

1 You will be righteous, LORD, even if I bring a case against you.
Yet, I wish to contend with you:
Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the treacherous live at ease?

2 You planted them, and they have taken root.
They have grown and produced fruit.
You are ever on their lips, but far from their conscience.

3 As for you, LORD, you know me;
you see me. You test whether my heart is with you.
Drag the wicked away like sheep to slaughter and set them apart for the day of killing.

4 How long will the land mourn and the grass of every field wither?
Because of the evil of its residents,
animals and birds have been swept away,
for the people have said, “He cannot see what our end will be.”


verses 1-4

What Jeremiah knew about God and What Jeremiah asked God.

what Jeremiah affirmed that he knew about God.

Jeremiah emphasized the consistency of God’s nature,
as well as His perfect knowledge of Jeremiah’s character and motivation.


What Jeremiah asked God.



God is perfect and can be trusted in every aspect of life.

He also understands our questions.


He is not scared of them or intimidated by them. He wants us
to bring them to Him so He can walk with us through our questions.


While evil people might seem to prosper, God is still in control.
He will bring justice in His timing. Patience while we wait on His timing
is the key.


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