Session 3 | Jeremiah 7:1-15

STOP (JER. 7:9-11)

the specific commands that God gave the people about their sin.

9 “‘Do you steal, murder, commit adultery,
swear falsely, burn incense to Baal, and follow other gods
that you have not known?’”

10 “‘Then do you come and stand before me in this house
that bears my name and say,
“We are rescued, so we can continue doing
all these detestable acts”?’”

11 “‘Has this house, which bears my name,
become a den of robbers in your view?
Yes, I too have seen it. This is the LORD’s declaration.’”


The people were breaking God’s commands.
Despite their sin, they still came to the temple and presented themselves to God.
They wrongly thought that keeping the temple rituals freed them to live sinful lives.


Believers must confront their sin instead of excusing it.
The apostle Paul wrote that living under God’s grace
does not mean we have license to live however we please
(Rom. 6:1-2).


Maybe the people thought their sin had gone unnoticed.
God’s words to His people show that He had seen their “detestable acts.”


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