Session 1 | Jeremiah 1:4-19

CHARGED (JER. 1:17-19)

God’s instructions to Jeremiah.

17 “Now, get ready.
Stand up and tell them everything that I command you.
Do not be intimidated by them or I will cause you to cower before them.”

18 “Today, I am the one who has made you a fortified city,
an iron pillar, and bronze walls against the whole land—
against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests,
and the population.
19 They will fight against you
but never prevail over you,
since I am with you to rescue you.”
This is the LORD’s declaration.


name the three things God instructed Jeremiah to do in verse 17.

verses 18-19



God gave Jeremiah the big job of proclaiming His message
to the leaders of Judah.
Then He promised to be with Jeremiah,
giving him protection, as he did the job.



Call for a volunteer to read the bulleted statements under Apply the Text (p. 15).
Discuss what other insights we might gain through today’s study.


Guide the group to discuss the Apply the Text questions on page 15:
Discuss the role the group plays in helping one another
discern God’s call and purpose for their lives.
How can group members encourage each other to live out God’s calling for their lives faithfully?


Close in prayer,
thanking God for all the ways He prepares us
to represent Him in our world today.


Reinforce the session by contacting the group to remind them a new unit is beginning that will help them to understand how God is at work in and through the lives of His people.


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