Session 11 John 9:24-38


evidence of the man’s growing faith.

35 Jesus heard that they had thrown the man out,
and when he found him, he asked,
“Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
36 “Who is he, Sir, that I may believe in him?” he asked.

37 Jesus answered, “You have seen him;
in fact, he is the one speaking with you.”

38 “I believe, Lord!” he said, and he worshiped him.


Emphasize that in calling for belief in the “Son of Man,”
Jesus was calling the man to trust Him for forgiveness and salvation.


look again at verses 37-38.




Call attention to each of the section headings on page 95:
I Can See!, You Can’t See?, and I Can Really See! Lead the group in considering how these headings relate to each section of verses.
Point out again the image of spiritual sight and spiritual blindness.
Challenge the group to take time this week to consider spiritual blind spots in their lives.


Lead a discussion of the first set of questions under Apply the Text:
Reflect on ways a Bible study group can help those who are seeking to know the truth about Jesus.
What actions can your group take to find and engage with people wanting to know about Jesus? (p. 95)
Determine practical steps that the group can take to share their Jesus stories with others.


Close in prayer,
asking the Holy Spirit to give your group confidence
to proclaim the truth about Jesus
to a world living in spiritual darkness.


Reinforce the session by reviewing your group’s answers to the application questions on page 95 about engaging those who want to know more about Jesus. Invite a couple of leaders from the group to help you consider which of these suggestions can be implemented this quarter and enlist a volunteer to plan an event based on this.


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