Session 10 John 8:3-18

SHINING (JOHN 8:12-18)

what Jesus said about the world.

12 Jesus spoke to them again:
“I am the light of the world.
Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness
but will have the light of life.”

13 So the Pharisees said to him,
“You are testifying about yourself.
Your testimony is not valid.”
14 “Even if I testify about myself,” Jesus replied,
“My testimony is true, because I know where I came from and where I’m going.
But you don’t know where I come from or where I’m going.

15 You judge by human standards.
I judge no one.
16 And if I do judge, my judgment is true,
because it is not I alone who judge,
but I and the Father who sent me.
17 Even in your law it is written that t
he testimony of two witnesses is true.
18 I am the one who testifies about myself,
and the Father who sent me testifies about me.”


Using the information in the bullet below,
describe the backdrop to Jesus’s “I am” statement.

Jesus equated Himself with God
through these “I am” statements.
