Session 7 John 5:5-16


the man’s response to Jesus.

14 After this, Jesus found him in the temple and said to him,
“See, you are well. Do not sin anymore,
so that something worse doesn’t happen to you.”

15 The man went and reported to the Jews
that it was Jesus who had made him well.
16 Therefore, the Jews began persecuting Jesus
because he was doing these things on the Sabbath.


while Jesus called on the man to stop sinning,
He did not connect all suffering to sin
as many did in that culture.

Note that by warning the man not to sin anymore,
Jesus was primarily referring to eternal judgment.


Jesus originally showed compassion for the man’s physical condition
by healing him.
Now, He was addressing the man’s spiritual situation
by warning him to stop living in sin.

In every situation we experience,
Jesus meets us right where we are
and touches our lives right where we need Him most.


Note that the man may have been trying to ingratiate himself to the Jewish authorities
by identifying Jesus.

Point out that this time he did not refer to Jesus
as the One who told him to break the Sabbath,
but as his Healer.


Point out that this healing marks a shift in how John reported Jesus’s signs.

with this sign, His miracles become points of contention with leaders
and their motivation for persecuting Him.



Invite the group to locate and read the Key Doctrine (p. 63).
Encourage them to consider how God’s compassion for His people leads us to show compassion for others.


Guide a discussion of the question set under Apply the Text on page 63:
With your Bible study group, identify people in your community who are hurting or who have been marginalized.
What actions can your class or group take to remove barriers and to meet spiritual and physical needs?


Close with prayer,
praising God for His compassion
and asking Him to guide your group
into opportunities to show compassion to others this week.


Reinforce the session by selecting a few volunteers to plan a service project for your group. Encourage them to focus on serving a group that is often marginalized or overlooked in your community. Instruct them to consider how this time of service will help other recognize the love of Christ.


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