Session 6 John 4:11-26



We are thirsty. Advertisers play to that thirst,
promising us their product will give us what we are missing.
Social media feeds our thirst as well,
knowing what will cause us to keep scrolling through the endless feeds.
People throughout history have had that same thirst, looking for something that will quench it—anything.
Jesus encountered a woman thirsting as well and helped her find the water for which she longed.


discuss whether they agree or disagree with this statement:

Physical and emotional longings and desires
sometimes point to even deeper spiritual needs.

sometimes our response to things connects to our spiritual lives.


Jesus addressed this when He met a Samaritan woman at a well.
She was concerned with her physical thirst, but Jesus recognized that she had a deeper need.

In response, He offered her living water to quench her spiritual thirst.



provide background on the relationship between Jews and Samaritans.

Point to Pack Item 1 (Map: Key Cities in John’s Gospel)
to show the route most Jews took between Judea and Galilee and Jesus’s route through Samaria.

Point out the city of Sychar in Samaria and
note that this is where Jesus decided to stop in John 4.


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