Session 5 John 3:4-18




Before the group arrives, draw two columns on a large sheet of paper.
Label one column “Goodbye 2022” and the other “Hello 2023.”
Place pens and colorful sticky notes by the columns.
As the group settles in, read the session’s opening paragraph on page 45.
Encourage group members to reflect on the question:


Direct attention to the message you wrote.
Instruct the group to use the sticky notes to record things that they are hoping to say
“Goodbye” to from 2022 and things they are looking forward to in 2023.
Encourage individuals to put two or three notes under each column.
Discuss some of the common responses for each.


While the new year offers a fresh start,
it doesn’t mean we can get rid of everything from the previous year
or that we will succeed in every goal we set.
Thankfully, what’s true about a changing calendar is not true about an unchanging Savior.
In this first lesson of the new year, we will see what it means to get a fresh start with Jesus.



Distribute copies of Pack Item 14 (Handout: First-Century Jewish Factions).
Use the information about Pharisees to introduce Nicodemus.
Focus on his background as an expert in the law.
Explain that this background informed the way he thought about salvation and Jesus.



Our personal history has an impact on our relationship with Jesus.
It can draw us closer to Him or,
as with Nicodemus, it can make it hard to trust and accept Him.
Think about where you stand with Jesus as we walk through today’s verses.


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