Session 4 Luke 2:1-15




As the group arrives, invite them to discuss the following question on page 37:

Record responses on a whiteboard or a large sheet of paper for reference later in the group time.
Guide the group to consider where these ideas and images come from.
(Examples: famous art, Christmas cards, nativity sets)


Draw attention to images or a video from The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
Explain that this is the oldest church in the world and is thought to be built on the spot where Jesus was born. Ask:


For Christmas, we will be studying Luke’s account of Jesus’s birth.
This is a pretty familiar passage, but God can share some fresh insights if we keep our hearts open to Him.



Use Understand the Context (p. 37)
to summarize Luke 1.
Highlight God’s use of angels throughout this narrative.
Draw attention to events that might seem hard for us to believe.


As we think about the Christmas story,
it’s easy to believe that angels appeared and that prophecies were fulfilled.
In some ways, it becomes part of our holiday routine
to acknowledge these incredible events with our words.
But it becomes much tougher to see how they affect our lives the other 364 days of the year.
As we look through this familiar passage today,
ask God to help you see how He wants this wonderful story to transform you
and to make you more like the Son that He sent to earth as Savior.


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