Session 3 John 2:11-23



While driving, we may see a sign that indicates what is on the next exit.
That sign is not the entity it advertises
but points beyond itself to a restaurant, hotel,
or other attraction we may want to visit.
John wrote his Gospel so readers “may believe that Jesus is the Messiah,
the Son of God, and that by believing
[they] may have life in his name” (John 20:31).
The signs in John’s Gospel point to Jesus being the Messiah, the Son of God.



Signs point beyond themselves.
John’s Gospel is full of signs that point to Jesus.
He included these signs so people would recognize Jesus as the Messiah and believe in Him.

As we study today’s verses, think about signs that have pointed you to Jesus in life.



Call on a volunteer to read aloud the first paragraph in Understand the Context (p. 29).

Point out the location of the first sign, which took place in Cana of Galilee.

This session’s context includes three incidents in which people believed in Jesus.
Each time, Jesus displayed His glory and honored the Father.
The first involved a wedding in Cana of Galilee.
This city was located near Jesus’s hometown of Nazareth.
Apparently, His mother was close to the families of the couple being married.
So, Mary, Jesus, and His disciples were invited.


As we work our way through John 2:11-23,
pay attention to how Jesus’s words and actions point to truths
about who He is, His crucifixion,
His resurrection, and His kingdom.

John started this account with a story that’s familiar to a lot of us,
but it had a big impact on those around Jesus.


Use information from Understand the Context (p. 29)


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