Session 10 Hosea 14:1-9


the promise of restoration.

4 I will heal their apostasy;
I will freely love them,
for my anger will have turned from him.
5 I will be like the dew to Israel;
he will blossom like the lily
and take root like the cedars of Lebanon.

6 His new branches will spread, and his splendor will be like the olive tree,
his fragrance, like the forest of Lebanon.
7 The people will return and live beneath his shade.
They will grow grain and blossom like the vine.
His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon.


Draw attention to the nature references in this passage.


Hosea painted a picture of God freely loving and forgiving His people,
a fresh beginning with new branches and security.

A summary statement, explaining Hosea’s point in verses 4-7.

Israel would be right with God, and God would unselfishly pour His love upon His people again.

Allow students to add to or propose an alternate summary statement.



Hosea declared that God awaited an answer.
The wise person would consider the message of Hosea and walk in God’s ways.


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