Session 9 Hosea 10:5-15


what the future held for Israel.

13 You have plowed wickedness and reaped injustice;
you have eaten the fruit of lies.
Because you have trusted in your own way and in your large number of soldiers,
14 the roar of battle will rise against your people,
and all your fortifications will be demolished in a day of war,
like Shalman’s destruction of Beth-arbel. Mothers will be dashed to pieces along with their children.

15 So it will be done to you, Bethel, because of your extreme evil.
At dawn the king of Israel will be totally destroyed.


identify contrasts between what is found
in Hosea 10:11-12 and 13-15.

Focus on the results of what one sows being seen in how others are treated.


  • How does unrighteousness lead to treating others unjustly? (p. 79)


    While the Old Testament speaks of judgment against nations,
    the New Testament shifts to judgment related to individuals.
    Both the Old and New Testaments reveal that sin will result in judgment.



    Lead the group to work in teams of two or three
    to answer the question set under Apply the Text on page 79:
    Discuss with your group unrighteousness currently being seen in your community.
    How can you sow seeds that will correct some of these unrighteous acts?
    How can the group point others to Jesus while addressing these actions?
    Then call for volunteers to share their responses with the whole group.


    Close in prayer,
    asking God to show us mercy
    and draw us to a closer relationship with Him.


    Reinforce the study by praying daily for individuals in the group who may not know Christ as their personal Savior and individuals you know are struggling with specific sins and need a word of hope. Send them notes to let them know they were prayed for.


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