Session 9 Hosea 10:5-15


note how Israel’s self-reliance led to false worship.

5 The residents of Samaria will have anxiety over the calf of Beth-aven.
Indeed, its idolatrous priests rejoiced over it;
the people will mourn over it, over its glory. It will certainly go into exile.
6 The calf itself will be taken to Assyria as an offering to the great king.
Ephraim will experience shame; Israel will be ashamed of its counsel.

7 Samaria’s king will disappear like foam on the surface of the water.
8 The high places of Aven, the sin of Is-rael, will be destroyed;
thorns and thistles will grow over their altars. They will say to the mountains, “Cover us!”
and to the hills, “Fall on us!”


Invite volunteers to share their definition of the term.

Guide the group to identify places in verses 5-8 that indicate Israel was self-reliant.
Point them to the Day 1 Daily Exploration on page 81 for reference.

discuss the question:


False worship had so blinded Israel that they did not know right from wrong.
False worship blinds people to the truth.



Those who trusted in military and political regimes for their security
would be overtaken by God at His choosing.
Israel faced God’s judgment because of their apostasy
and trust in military might.


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