Session 6 Jonah 4:1-11


consider one or two words that might summarize these verses.

10 And the LORD said,
“You cared about the plant, which you did not labor over and did not grow.
It appeared in a night and perished in a night.
11 So may I not care about the great city of Nineveh,
which has more than a hundred twenty thousand people who cannot distinguish between their right and their left,
as well as many animals?”


Lead the group to share the words they identified.



Jonah expressed deep emotion toward what should have evoked the least
amount of care—the plant!
Christians can likewise become so concerned about their own safety, comfort,
and well-being that they do not prioritize those
who do not have a relationship with Christ.
God’s calling is not only a privilege but also a responsibility
to take the gospel to those who have not heard it.
Solicit responses to the highlighted comments.



The book of Jonah comes to a very abrupt end.
Jonah’s response to God is unclear.
Perhaps the ending was left open ended so that we could put ourselves in Jonah’s position.



Revisit the list you developed at the beginning of the session.
Provide note cards and pencils for each person,
directing them to write one action they think will help overcome prejudice. Collect
the cards and read aloud the responses.


Call attention to the session’s summary statement:
Believers should celebrate God’s grace being extended to all people.
Guide the group to identify how the summary statements
under each numbered section (p. 55)
connect to the summary statement for the session.


Guide the group to discuss the question set under Apply the Text (p. 55):
Discuss specific ways your class can celebrate God’s grace being extended to all people.
How can the group be more open to guests and others who are not a part of a Bible study group?
What actions might the group need to take to reach out to others in the community?


Close in prayer,
asking God to help each person
overcome their own prejudices and look for ways to share the gospel joyfully with all people.


Reinforce the study by evaluating the group’s openness to others. Consider ways the group can make sure guests feel welcome and included.


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