Session 3 Amos 5:4-15


Amos presented a possible solution for some of the people.

14 Pursue good and not evil so that you may live,
and the LORD, the God of Armies, will be with you as you have claimed.
15 Hate evil and love good;
establish justice at the city gate.
Perhaps the LORD, the God of Armies, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.


True repentance is accompanied by action.

Invite the group to identify the actions Amos called for in these verses



Note the word Perhaps in verse 15.

Read aloud Romans 9:18.

Romans 9

18 So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires.



Amos called on the Israelites to seek God
by changing both their worship and their character.



Sometimes we think God is hiding from us when He is in plain sight.
The problem is within us,
as we fail to seek Him and fail to recognize that He is around us.


Guide the group to discuss the question set under Apply the Text on page 31:
What does pursuing good and establishing justice look like in your Bible study group?
What principles should guide your group as you seek God by seeking to do those things?


Encourage the group to take time this coming week to reflect on the question set under Apply the Text (p. 35):
Look for ways you may be seeking a substitute for God rather than seeking the Lord.
How can you more fully seek the Lord in your life?


Display Pack Item 6 (Poster: Key Verse: Amos 5:4)
and read the verse aloud together.
Point out that this is the memory verse for this week, and encourage everyone to commit it to memory.


Close in prayer,
asking the Lord to reveal areas in our worship
and our actions toward others that need to change.
Pray that He will open our eyes and guide us to seek Him each day.


Reinforce the study by texting or emailing Amos 5:4 to the group with a reminder that God doesn’t hide. He wants us to find Him and He wants to be found.


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