Session 2 Amos 4:1-13


focus on specific evidence presented by Amos.

1 Listen to this message, you cows of Bashan who are on the hill of Samaria,
women who oppress the poor and crush the needy, who say to their husbands,
“Bring us something to drink.”

2 The Lord GOD has sworn by his holiness:
Look, the days are coming when you will be taken away with hooks,
every last one of you with fishhooks.
3 You will go through breaches in the wall,
each woman straight ahead, and you will be driven along toward Harmon.
This is the LORD’s declaration.


Direct attention to the first words of Amos 4,
“Listen to this message.”



Share with the group that Bashan was located east of the Sea of Galilee
and was known for its lush pastureland and prime livestock.



What is the verdict God issues for the oppression of others while indulging self?


Amos mocked the worship of the Israelites at the sites they considered to be
places for worship. In doing so, Amos was declaring that God
detested their insincere sacrifices and false worship.


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