Session 1 Amos 2:4-16




On a board or large sheet of paper, write:


As the group arrives, direct their attention to the words on the board.


Record their responses on the board.


Whether it is a health issue, a light on your car dashboard, or some other type of alert, just noticing it doesn’t solve the problem.
The warnings are calls to action.



Today we begin a study of the book of Amos.
During our study, we will discover the timelessness of his message. Amos begins his prophesy with a warning for the nations that God’s judgment awaits all who ignore Him and His truth.
After listing the sins of the other nations, Amos addresses his own people.



Distribute copies of Pack Item 9 (Handout: The Prophets in History)
to the group and allow them time to briefly review the information.
Use this content to supplement the introduction on page 8.


Distribute copies of Pack Item 7 (Handout: Amos; Jonah; Hosea; Micah Time Line).
Note the time frame of Amos’s prophesy.
Using Understand the Context (p. 13), Pack Item 1 (Map: Prophets of the Eighth Century),
and Pack Item 2 (Outlines of Amos; Jonah; Hosea; Micah),
provide an overview of this study and of the book of Amos.
Also distribute copies of Pack Item 12 (New Testament References to Amos; Jonah; Hosea; Micah)
and point out the New Testament passages that quote the book of Amos. Refer back to these passages as applicable in future sessions.


Share a description of Amos,
emphasizing that though he was from the Southern Kingdom of Judah, God called him to go preach to Israel in the North.
Relate that Amos’s prophesy took place during a time of economic prosperity and peace.
Amos first addresses the surrounding nations before turning to Judah and Israel
. Highlight that although the people appeared very religious, their lives did not reflect devotion to God, but rather a representation of the pagan nations surrounding them. Remind the group that both Judah and Israel had received direction from God and were now choosing to disobey.


Direct attention to Amos 1:2,
stressing the powerful character of God.
Distribute copies of Pack Item 8 (Handout: Memory Verses Bookmark),
point out that Amos 1:2 is the memory verse for this session, and encourage the group to commit it to memory this week.


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