Session 12 2 Kings 19:10-19,32-34

THE ANSWER (2 KINGS 19:32-34)

visualizes the relief that must have flooded Hezekiah’s heart as he heard Isaiah speaking those words from God.

32 Therefore, this is what the LORD says about the king of Assyria:
He will not enter this city, shoot an arrow here,
come before it with a shield, or build up a siege ramp against it.

33 He will go back the way he came, and he will not enter this city.
This is the LORD’s declaration.
34 I will defend this city and rescue it for my sake
and for the sake of my servant David.”


As you discuss the question, use the Day 5 Daily Exploration (p. 107)
to help the group better understand the details of God’s response in preventing Sennacherib from attacking Jerusalem.


God proved Himself to be reliable—not a liar.
All of Sennacherib’s bragging proved to be just that—hollow propaganda.
God heard Hezekiah’s prayers. The good news is that He hears ours as well.



In Hezekiah’s story, we have a example of God defending His name and His people.



Note that Sennacherib’s pride and arrogance led to his downfall.
Write on the board:
Safeguards and Steps.
Lead the group to discuss the first question set from page 104:
What do you need to put in place in your life to guard against pride and arrogance?
What steps can you take in the next week to put these guards in place?
List their responses on the board under the appropriate heading.


Going into your time of closing prayer, lead the group to share responses to the third question set (p. 104): Share with your Bible study group ways you have seen God answer prayers in the past six month. How does hearing the stories of others encourage you in your prayer life?


Close in prayer,
thanking God for hearing our prayers.
Thank Him for being a God who defends His people.


Reinforce the study by evaluating the things you pray for. Consider how your prayers reflect your priorities. Encourage the group to consider how their prayers reflect their priorities.


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