Session 11 2 Kings 17:7-20

REMOVED (2 KINGS 17:18-20)

God’s response to the people’s repeated rejections of Him.

18 Therefore, the LORD was very angry with Israel,
and he removed them from his presence.
Only the tribe of Judah remained.
19 Even Judah did not keep the commands of the LORD their God
but lived according to the customs Israel had practiced.
20 So the LORD rejected all the descendants of Israel,
punished them, and handed them over to plunderers
until he had banished them from his presence.


Explain that God’s anger did not grow suddenly,
like a human temper tantrum—
the people’s disobedience spiraled unchecked for over 200 years.
Call attention to the phrase in verse 18,
“and he removed them from his presence,”
State: This means that God punished His people
by allowing them to be taken from the promised land and moved to Assyria.
Use Pack Item 1 (Map: The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah) to show where

Assyria was located,
to the north of Israel and Judah.


How does being removed from God’s presence constitute the ultimate punishment?


The contrast could not have been greater.
First Kings opens with David, who had been the “apple of God’s eye”

Psalms 17 NASB Psalms 17

8 Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings

Second Kings 17 closes, though, with both Israel and Judah being removed from God’s sight.
The picture is one of judgment, of punishment, and of separation.
And it is a reminder that those who reject God face His judgment and are ultimately separated from Him. (p. 99)



2 Kings 17:7-20,
noting the different ways Israel rejected God.



Discuss as a group non-biblical beliefs and practices Christians are tempted to incorporate
into their lives today.


Close in prayer,
asking God to lead us to examine our hearts,
evaluating our level of obedience to Him.
Ask that we would seek to confess and repent of any sins in our lives
that are creating barriers between us and God.


Reinforce the session by prayerfully considering whether there might be any unconfessed sin in your own life. Encourage the group to do the same. Give thanks for God’s forgiveness.


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