Session 10 2 Kings 12:4-16

ACTION (2 KINGS 12:13-16)

details of how the money that had been collected would be used.

13 However, no silver bowls, wick trimmers, sprinkling basins, trumpets,
or any articles of gold or silver were made for the LORD’s temple
from the contributions brought to the LORD’s temple.
14 Instead, it was given to those doing the work, and they repaired the LORD’s temple with it.

15 No accounting was required from the men who received the silver
to pay those doing the work, since they worked with integrity.
16 The silver from the guilt offering and the sin offering was not brought to the LORD’s temple
since it belonged to the priests.






This story is a reminder that handling our money and financial obligations with biblical integrity
bears witness of our Christian faith.

The Lord is honored as we honor Him with our resources.
And in turn, God honors that type of integrity.



Guide a discussion of the bulleted statements under Apply the Text (p. 88).
Encourage the group to name where they see evidence
for those statements displayed in today’s story of Joash and Jehoiada.


Lead the group to discuss the third question set from page 88:
Discuss with your group the impact business practices open the door for sharing the gospel.
How can your group help each other remind of the impact
their financial practices have for the cause of Christ?


Encourage the group to take time this coming week
to reflect on the first question set from page 88:
How can you foster accountability in your life?
What actions do you need to take this week to be more mindful of the impact of your actions?
If your group includes parents or grandparents, encourage them to think of ways they can model and teach accountability to younger family members.


Call on a preenlisted person to close the group time in prayer,
asking God to help us to be people who give Him first priority in our lives,
especially in our finances.


Reinforce the session by memorizing this week’s memory verse, James 4:17. Text a reminder to the group that James 4:17 is the memory verse and encourage them to pray for each other that they would demonstrate God’s priorities in every area of their lives.


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