Session 9 2 Kings 7:1-15

DOUBTS (2 KINGS 7:1-2)

Elisha’s hopeful proclamation.

1 Elisha replied,
“Hear the word of the LORD! This is what the LORD says:
‘About this time tomorrow at Samaria’s gate,
six quarts of fine flour will sell for a half ounce of silver
and twelve quarts of barley will sell for a half ounce of silver.’”
2 Then the captain, the king’s right-hand man, responded to the man of God,
“Look, even if the LORD were to make windows in heaven, could this really happen?”
Elisha announced,
“You will in fact see it with your own eyes, but you won’t eat any of it.”


the king blamed Elisha for the siege and threatened to kill him.
the situation in Samaria was urgent
Elisha’s words might have sounded absurd.


Focus on verse 2 and the captain’s response to Elisha’s words.


Comparing Elisha with the king’s right-hand man,
what we have is a stark contrast between scarcity and abundance—
insufficiency versus plenty—of food, belief, and ability.



The captain’s doubt would lead him to miss the opportunity
for God’s blessings.


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